Redefining Branding Beyond the Cookie-Cutter Approach with Michelle Balaun

If in the midst of frustration, you asked yourself any of these questions:

Why is a “popular” guide not giving me the branding solutions I’m looking for?
What is at the heart of a brand?
How important is the brand story to my brand?
Why are big companies trying to put on a personal “face”?
Do I need to control the narrative and build my personal brand?
How do I know what is “wrong” with my brand?

Then this episode is for you.

I had the privilege of having a conversation with Michelle Balaun, an international brand expert, where – with her fiery charisma – she took me on the journey of what it means to build a brand

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Unlocking the Power of Employee Advocacy

There’s a “lost-opportunity” for many companies today who do not actively shape their employees’ personal brands and benefit from creating an Employee Advocacy Program.

The valuable potential within a company’s workforce often goes unnoticed and it is time for businesses to recognize the untapped potential of their employees in shaping the company’s success.

In this episode, we delve into the benefits of employee advocacy, the advantages it has for companies and outline what can be the next steps to kickstart this process of building employee advocacy.

“Designing Brand Success” – A Conversation with Jaafar Hamza

Have you ever found yourself wishing for a roadmap to navigate the complex world of brand building? That elusive guide that lays out the essential factors determining a brand’s triumph or downfall in today’s dynamic market?

In this episode, Jaafar graciously shares his wealth of knowledge and experience in the realm of branding, addressing some of the most pressing questions about what truly drives brand success in today’s ever-evolving landscape, where he also offers invaluable insights into branding strategies specific to the Middle East region, while also providing a global perspective.

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Navigating Common Struggles in Building a Personal Brand

If I told you that your personal brand can
– Serve you like a backstage pass to better opportunities in life and business
– It’s your key to sharing your voice
– It helps you connect with the right crowd
– It supports in building a sustainable business
– It helps in your career advancement
Would you still struggle in believing that your personal brand requires your focus to build?

This week’s podcast episode talks about the steps and elements that many professionals skip or ignore when building their personal brand, that could cause this struggle.

I share the most common pitfalls that I see on repeat in the episode. Please go have a listen and do come back and share any other struggles have you experienced that was not covered in the episode. Let’s share experience for the benefit of this amazing community!

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Mastering Content Marketing for Experts and Businesses

Do you find content marketing mysterious? It’s definitely not a buzzword, but a strategic approach that involves creating valuable, relevant, relatable and consistent content, that is aimed to build a foundarion for authority, trust, interest and connectivity.

In this week’s podcast episode, we talk about the kind of tailored content that is usually part of a well thought of content marketing plan….the type of content that contributes to building trust, authority, creates interest and engagement, contributes to user experience and supports search engine visibility.

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Launching Something Soon? 5 Communications Mistakes to Avoid

If you’re planning a launch, listen-up!

Launching comes in different sizes… it could be a big launch, such as launching a new business, a digital course, or introducing a new product.  Or it could be a small launch like a holiday promotion or a discount offer…

Whatever type of launch you’re planning, there are common mistakes that takes place in the 3 stages of any launch: the Prelaunch stage, the Launch stage and the Post Launch stage.

In this episode, we shed the light on some mistakes that you could avoid during a launch to maximize its success potential. In addition, we also cover the significant advantages for professionals and thought leaders to consider and plan launches as part of their communications strategy.

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Creating a Lead Magnet by Repurposing Existing Content

If you’ve been consistent in content creation and value sharing, your content holds more value than you can imagine! This valuable content is an asset that can be used to support your list building efforts.

Whether it is email, phone numbers or any other information, list building is a powerful direct line to clients, a strategic asset, and an engine for driving sales. Building it with a lead magnet (or freebie) is a great option.

In this week’s podcast episode, we discuss how to make use of your powerful content asset and make it work for you again and again.

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Stand Out and Shine: Crafting Your Unique Selling Proposition

What is a key element in your brand building that is a “gem”? Something that will help you make a lasting impression, an essential step in your journey towards standing out and leaving a memorable mark?

This gem is your Unique Selling Proposition.

In this episode, we talk about:
– Why is your USP so crucial in the grand scheme of personal branding?
– How can you define your USP?
– What happens next?

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Your Brand, Your Story: Outlining a Personal Brand Communication Strategy

Many agree that companies benefit from a robust communications strategy, but neglect the fact that professionals, thought leaders, content creators and many more benefit from creating and implementing a communications strategy for their personal brand.

Just like businesses, individuals need many tools in the communications strategy toolbox.

In this week’s podcast episode, we discuss the outline of a communications strategy tailored specifically for a personal brand.